Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Grey

Wow! Not since the opening 15 minutes of Jaws back in 1975, has a movie had such a frightening beginning. Remind me to never fly commercially over Alaska. The premise of the movie is believable. Thus it is a pulse pounding roller coaster ride of a story.

Liam Neeson again proves he is the best action actor in movies hands down. He's not a super hero by any means. No one liners like Arnold or Bruce Willis. Just a believable person in an intense situation of life and death.

I don't want to give away the plot of this movie since it just recently came to the theaters. But it takes place in Alaska, outdoors in a hostile winter environment and there is a wolf pack. And I don't mean the Boyscouts variety. And this is far scarier than any werewolf movie since wolves hunting in packs are real.

You will not regret seeing this film at a theater. It's a must to fully take in the opening 15 minutes on a big screen.

I give this movie an 8 rating out of 10. (One being a bomb).

Till next time...

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Mission Impossible:Ghost Protocol

I know that I had posted in my last blog that I would review Red Tails. But instead I went and saw Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. Many of you may have seen this movie before me. The reason for the delay in viewing MIGP, I was skeptical of the movie since this is the 4th installation of the franchise. I was wrong and this movie really rocks. The story line was good, the acting was OK and the action was great. This sequel is the best one. The original movie is still tops in my book. The current movie I would rate as the second best.      Tom Cruise, love him or hate him, makes great movies. I rate this a 7 out of 10 (one is a bomb).

It is unusual for sequels to be almost as good as the original. There have been a few exceptions: like Godfather 2 and The Empire Strikes Back for you Star Wars fans.And over the years there have been a few of the James Bond movies that have been great movies. But when Hollywood typically makes a sequel, they stink. Ghost Busters 2 was awful. The second and fourth installation of the Indiana Jones franchise were down right awful.

So my next review will be Red Tails.

Till next time....

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Well last week I decided to see the Cold War Spy flick "Tinker,Tailor,Soldier,Spy". The movie is confusing in its storyline. Action is minimal and the acting was dreadful. I can't recommend anyone in seeing this movie.
My personal view on this film is, it is one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

After the movie was over and the credits were running onscreen, I overheard a couple sitting in front of me  discussing how they were totally confused regarding the story line. What they were expressing to each other, I was having the same thoughts to myself.

On a scale of 1 to 10 (one being a bomb) I give it a one (1).

Stay tuned for my next movie review of "Red Tails".

Till next time...